Perchè iscriversi...

Perchè iscriversi ai corsi serali dell'Istituto Avogadro e conseguire il diploma di perito


¿Por qué inscribirse en los cursos nocturnos del Instituto Avogadro y obtener el diploma de experto?


De ce ar trebui să te înscrii la cursurile serale la Institutul Avogadro pentru a obține diploma de expert mecanic:

Pourquoi s'inscrire aux cours du soir de l'Institut Avogadro et obtenir le diplôme d'expert:

Inscrivez-vous maintenant!

hy registering for the Istituto Avogadro's evening classes and obtaining the Secondary School Diploma of Expert?

1. To complete your study course

2. To improve your working position

3. To enroll at University

4. Because the Diploma is your secret dream

5. Because it is never too late to get back in the game

6. Because Istituto Avogadro is a state school and the courses are free